Social Emotional Health Surveys

University of California Santa Barbara

School Mental Health Collaborative

SEHS–Higher Education Description


The SEHS–Higher Education is a tool for assessing well-being in higher education. The SEHS-HE has been shown to have a solid and robust structure through confirmatory factor analyses. With items covering belief in self, belief in others, emotional competence, and engaged living, this survey provides a comprehensive understanding of covitality in the higher education setting.

Furlong, M. J., You, S., Shishim, M., & Dowdy, E. (2017). Development and validation of the social emotional health survey–higher education version. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 12, 343-367.


The SEHS–Primary is a self-report measure for primary school children. The SEHS-P measure includes items  assessing gratitude, optimism, zest, and persistence. For instance, an item assessing gratitude is "I am lucky to go to my school," while an item for optimism is "I expect good things to happen at my school." Similarly, an item for zest is "I get excited when I learn something new at school," and an item for persistence is "I keep working until I get my schoolwork right."

Chan, M-K., Furlong, M.J., & Ruff, E. (2024). Dual-Factor Mental Health Screening in Elementary Schools: Implications in Mental Health Classification. Contemporary School Psychology. First online 27 August 2024

SEHS-P-2024 Online


SEHS-S-2020 Online


SEHS-HE Online



The SEHS–Secondary is a self-report assessment identifying adolescents' strengths. It features a higher-order factor structure with 12 subscales linked to four second-order traits: belief in self (self-awareness, persistence, self-efficacy), belief in others (school support, family coherence, peer support), emotional competence (empathy, self-control, behavioral self-control), and engaged living (gratitude, zest, optimism). These traits align with a higher-order latent trait called covitality. The latest validated version is SEHS-S-2020.

Furlong, M.J., Dowdy, E., Nylund-Gibson, K. et al. (2021). Enhancement and Standardization of a Universal Social-Emotional Health Measure for Students’ Psychological Strengths. Journal of Well-being Assessment 4, 245–267.


Norm Chart


Norm Chart