General Social and Emotional Support Resources

Watch, Care, Respond


link Catherine Moore: What is Positive Education, and How Can We Apply It?

link  • Supporting Students’ Social-Emotional Wellness with Trauma-Informed Teaching (Teachers-Pay-Teachers)

link Sanford Harmony Program Quick Connection Cards (185 Conversations, Collaborations, and Community Builders)

link UNESCO and Mahatma Ghandi Institute for Peace and Sustainable Development, SEL for Youth, Rethinking Learning

link  • Transforming Education's SEL for Educators Toolkit (excellent resource)

link UC Berkeley Greater Good in Education (updated website)

link  • Trauma Toolkit:  Trauma-Informed SEL in the Classroom (by Transforming Education).

link  • Explore SEL:  Interactive hub that gives education leaders and decision-makers better tools and more targeted knowledge to address their priorities.

link  • CASEL: The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning is a leading authority on fostering the social emotional development of children and adolescents.  The two resources listed below provide link to the latest reviews of SEL programs that can be used for universal (prevention) and targeted (interventions) in school contexts.

link  • 2013 CASEL Guide: Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs—Preschool and Elementary School

link  • 2015 CASEL Guide:Effective Social and Emotional Learning ProgramsMiddle and High School

link  • 2019 CASEL SEL 3 Signature Practices: Practical ways to introduce and broaden the use of SEL practices in classrooms, schools, and workplaces (many, practical ideas for day-to-day implantation)

link  • 2019 CASEL SEL framework brief is a guide to prioritizing needs and rating frameworks to see which best fits your context

link  • Navigating SEL from the Inside Out (Elementary School Focus): Harvard University Review and analysis of 25 stand-alone SEL programs. link See also for updated information

link  • OJJDP Model Programs: “The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s (OJJDP’s) Model Programs Guide (MPG) contains information about evidence-based juvenile justice and youth prevention, intervention…”  U.S. Dept. of Justice

link  • Book: Personal Well-Being Lessons for Secondary Schools: Positive psychology in action for 11- to 14-year-olds 1st Edition (Llona Boniwell & Lucy Ryan)

link  Curriculum: Promoting Student Happiness Positive Psychology Interventions in Schools (Shannon Suldo)

link  • Curriculum: Sanford Harmony  (P-6). Sanford Harmony provides relationship building strategies that foster stronger classroom communities by helping each child understand and appreciate the diversity in others. Training and materials provided

link  • Common Sense Education Resources: Explore the topics below to learn more about character strengths like empathy, find actionable activities and edtech tools for the classroom, and discover ways to involve families in SEL learning

Universal, Tier 1, wellness screening informs school-site care teams about its students' mental wellness... AND... very importantly, it provides information about ALL students' life satisfaction and emotional wellbeing... which, in turn, provides guidance about needed prevention and intervention services. This section offers information for school-site care coordination teams as they care for children.

NASP COVID-19 Resource Center

Here are some general resources to support fostering the development of students’ positive psychological and social mindsets. The resources provide options for use in schoolwide and classroom contexts as well as by psychologists, counselors, and social workers when supporting individuals and small group.
