University of California Santa Barbara

Project Covitality

Gevirtz Graduate School of Education

Erin Dowdy, PhD

Michael Furlong, PhD

Karen Nylund-Gibson, PhD

California Student Wellness Index (CSWI): Development, Validation, and Multi-tier Applications

This document reports on a recent enhancement to the CHKS Core Module (WestEd and California State Department of Education). In 2021/22 and 2022/23, 10 new items expanded student mental health and well-being coverage. These items ask students about their life satisfaction (modified Brief Multidimensional Student Life Satisfaction Scale, BMSLSS) and past-month emotional distress experiences (Social Emotional Distress Scale, SEDS). This report provides information about these assessments and how 626,940 California students answered them. Scoring, norming, and interpretation information is provided. The report provides examples of how the California Student Wellness Index (CSWI) can be used for research, to support Tier 1 Universal wellness screening, and for Tier 2 individual student assessments and progress monitoring.